Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Photo Update

I've been slacking off a bit on posting. It's been a busy week with my teaching and training, but I guess that's not much of an excuse. So here are a few photos to get me back on your good side. That is, if anyone noticed I've been slacking.

Here are a few of my second day on the slopes. There weren't really any action shots so you'll have to marvel at the scenery instead.

Here's an "Indian" on the main square. I think this guy and his band were actually Central or South American, but the image of the "Old West Indian" is what sells here I guess.

And here's my lunch from Sunday. This is called sir i vrhnije which literally translates to cheese and cream. The cheese is fresh cow's milk cheese which when broken up seems to be something like cottage cheese. The cream is, well, cream. You stir them together with some garlic and paprika and eat it with some bread. And that's what I call lunch. That's also what I call some gooood cheese and cream. Which leads me to wonder...could it have been Croatians who actually invented Philadelphia cream cheese? The world may never know.


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