Monday, May 29, 2006

Mega Photo Update 1

Well I guess I took a little break there. Sorry about that, but now I'm back and I've got a lot of stuff to show you. I'm going to be lazy and do this mostly in photo form. This post will cover a trip to Ljubljana, and a crazy soccer match. Our trip to Prague lat weekend will be a whole post in itself that will be up soon I hope. I'm not promising anything though because this week in my final exam for my Croatian class! I'm just a bit freaked. My brain has definitely not been cooperating on the whole language acquisition thing lately. Okay, I'm rambling.

Here we are in front of the big castle on top of the hill that overlooks LjubLjana. Ljubljana is the capital city of Slovenia and is only about a 2.5 hour drive from Zagreb.

This is our friend A being eaten by one of the baby Jaba's that guards the castle.

H was in charge of the digital photography for the day. Unfortunately he has been to Ljubljana many times and was thinking mostly about the cake we were going to eat after I finished dragging him around to all of the tourist sites. So this photo is one of the only ones he took of the beautiful parts of this little city.

We stopped at a cute little castle on a little island on our way home.


Zagreb's soccer club won the league this year so we decided to go to their celebration game with some friends. They gave everyone in the stadium blue t-shirts. It made a pretty cool effect in the stadium. I wish I could post video here so you could hear all those 30,000 blue shirts clapping in unison

Here we are in our blue shirts with our Belgian friends N and F.

We purposefully sat on the calm side of the stadium. At first I was disappointed because our side wasn't getting into the chanting and clapping, but once a goal was scored I totally understood why we sat where we did. It's a good thing H knew what tickets to get. The hard core fans have a guy on a podium with a microphone and a bunch of guys with big drums who keep the crowd chanting and singing and screaming through the entire game. They bring flares and smoke bombs that they throw onto the field at the slightest provocation. It was pretty wild. The riot police even surrounded the opposing team's fans from half time until all of the Dinamo Zagreb fans had left the stadium to avoid a riot. Everything a European soccer experience should be.


At 5/29/2006 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm... if you were me, and you knew the best little cake store in in this part of the world ("Zvezda"), you also would have thought that walking around the city and climbing the castle hill is just a matter of working up the apetite. Ljubljana is a cool little town, but my friend A. and I go there primarily for the cakes. This time, the waitresses in Zvezda thought that I am a journalist from NY Times. How cool is that!? I should have said yes, and get them to let me sample all of their cakes. I didn't... so stupid of me.


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