Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Catching up

It's amazing how busy I am for having nothing to do. I'm starting to understand how people who don't work can still claim to be so busy. I'll try to keep posting every few days though.

This weekend, we headed up to a castle and a little town near the northern most border of Croatia. H's parents wanted to do something special for his birthday, and this had always been one of his favorite castles as a kid. Although I always have a good time I find it kind of tiring to spend a lot of time with my inlaws. They want to communicate with me so badly, but none of us can really say what we want to. So days with them are inevitably filled with quite a bit of frustration. But overall we had a really nice time and a great dinner with enough wine to ease any lingering anxieties.

Sunday I finally got to make Kremsnite (crame-shnita) which is my all time favorite Croatian dessert. It's really not that difficult to make, but it is a bit time consuming. Basically you make a standard custard, fold whipped egg whites in, spread that over a puff pastry base, and then top it with whipped cream and another puff pastry layer and lots of powdered sugar. I can't think of anything remotely like this in the states. Maybe I'll have to start a little Kremsnite bakery someday so you can all see what you're missing.

Today I attended the monthly International Women's Club meeting and got roped into joining. It's not that I didn't want to join, it's that I was under the impression that it would cost $6 and it actually ended up costing $60 so I've decided that instead of being annoyed by this I'll just have to make sure I get my money's worth. Being an introvert in a foreign country where you don't speak the language is a potentially depressing combination so hopefully this will force me to get out there and do things. The whole thing seemed a little Junior League-ish so I'm unsure if these women are really my kind of people but it can't hurt to attend a few meeting and activities.

So throughout all of my busy days I'll try to keep finding time to post new adventures, but I'm sure this picture will keep you all entertained until next time (whenever that may be):


At 1/08/2006 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God, I love Nutella! Nutella, my only true friend.


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