Wednesday, December 07, 2005


We're here! In Croatia that is. All is well and we're adjusting quickly to our new surroundings. Our little apartment is apparently pretty nice considering it's size and location. We still need to do a little decorating but I think it'll be perfect for the time we're here.

B's service is turning out to be a bit of a joke so he may look for other work to keep himself busy. I think I'll be just fine spending my days learning the language.
Before we left I had convinced myself that the first week or two would feel like a vacation and after that the holidays would keep us busy and then by the time that was all done I'd have a decent handle on some basic language skills and would be able to get my self wherever I wanted to go and do whatever I wanted to do. And afterall the last time I lived in Europe I can't remember the transition being particularly difficult.

By the time we hit JFK all of those delusions started to melt away. When I lived in Europe before we were given a daily schedule the minute we arrived. We were also in a group of 20 Americans who could get by just fine without learning any new language because we had eachother. And the idea that this would feel like a vacation? What was I thinking? As soon as we got here we had to move into a new place, get me a visa, apply for healthcare, register with the U.S. embassy, learn a new city, a new language, a new family, new friends.

So it hasn't exactly been an easy few days, but I'm really not complaining. We have gotten to sleep a lot and eat great food and visit with family and friends. I'm still petrified of the whole language thing, but I'm studying every day and today I even went to the market by myself. Of course the whole way there I was rehearsing in my head how to say "I'm sorry, I don't understand. I only speak a little Croatian" And when I actually got there I made as little eye contact as possible and only said "thank you" to the cashier before dashing out without a receipt. But I did understand what she said when she told me my total and I didn't even look at the screen. By the way, my total for a head of lettuce and an onion was 3.50 kunas which is less than $.60 US. Did I mention that food is cheap here? No? Well food is freaking cheap here! Oh and it's ALL organic!

So that's where we are in this journey. We're starting to feel at home in our new place. I'm trying my hardest to get over my language fears and shortcomings, and we're just hoping the sun will come out one of these days.
Of course there are more details and more stories but it's time to cook up some dinner. So until the next time check out our new place here:


At 12/08/2005 6:59 PM, Blogger Alexa said...

Ben Ben Benko:
Glad to hear you're settling in. The shy Liz will soon be taken over by the curious Liz, and you'll be out there exploring with the language, culture and city sights. I'm glad you started the blog - I look forward to keeping track of your journey!


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